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Hello Class of 2023 Seniors!
Get ready for an incredible day and night of fun at the Disneyland Resort! SCHS PTO is thrilled to provide one more opportunity for the Class of 2023 to make memories to last a lifetime on Friday, June 9th, as part of Grad Nite!
Here's what seniors and their parents/guardians need to know before purchasing a Grad Nite ticket.
Read EVERYTHING that SCHS Class of 2023 and SCHS PTO send out regarding Grad Nite. Review the attached Grad Nite Ticket Info as well as Grad Nite Event Guidelines and Information Form. Be sure to click on all the provided links to familiarize with the event guidelines and expectations.
Print out the consent form and make sure that both you and your parent/guardian sign the consent form. NO properly signed form = NO ticket. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Bring completed, signed consent form and payment to the Grad Nite ticket sales event this Wednesday, March 1, 2023 from 8:30 AM to 10 AM in The Quad at SCHS.
Two Ticket Options:
Ticket Option A - $260 cash or $267.04 credit card (includes service fee)
"Park Hopper" ticket to Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure
Exclusive after-hours Grad Nite party at Disney's California Adventure
Secure transportation via school bus from SCHS and to/from Disneyland Resort
Ticket Option B - $310 cash or #318.38 credit card (includes service fee)
"Park Hopper" ticket to Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure
Exclusive after-hours Grad Nite party at Disney's California Adventure
Secure transportation via charter bus from SCHS and to/from Disneyland Resort
Ticket prices do not include food and beverages at Disneyland. Students will need to purchase meals and beverages while at Grad Nite. SCHS PTO will provide water and light snack for each participant before departing SCHS campus.
Each Ticket Option is available on a first come, first served basis. Grad Nite tickets and bus seating for each ticket option is limited.
Think about which friends you might like to ride with to and from Grad Nite on the bus. You will have an opportunity to form a group (maximum 10 students) and submit your request by May 16th to Mr. Dougherty's class (room D109). Students in each group must have purchased the same ticket option. Only one form (attached) needs to be submitted per group. SCHS PTO will do its best to accommodate requests. However, there is no guarantee.
If you are unable to make the March 1st ticket event, SCHS PTO will host another event on Wednesday, March 8th, from 8:30 AM to 10 AM in The Quad.
SCHS PTO will NOT issue refunds on tickets purchased, so please make sure that the date works for you and that you absolutely plan to attend Grad Nite.
Only SCHS graduates of the Class of 2023 are eligible to attend Grad Nite sponsored by SCHS PTO.
If you have any questions about Grad Nite, please contact SCHS PTO at pto@schscougars.org.
On behalf of SCHS PTO, I hope you have a great last term of high school! Rah rah, Cougars!
Esther Broers
SCHS PTO President/Senior Committee Chair